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Kinki University aims to grow 30 new startups a year

#Academic, #Incubation, #Startup Support

Itaru Matsumura, who will take office as the new president of Kinki University on April 1st, stated that the university aims to create 30 startups per year.

Currently Kinki can claim 93 university-launched startups, with their goal to have 150 startups by 2025. Matsumura emphasized that university-launched startups are an important indicator of the university's contribution to society, and while the goal of creating 100 startups by 2025 is achievable, he said this is only a passing phase and that the goal is even further growth.

To promote student entrepreneurship the university will set up a dedicated facility to provide them with assistance from faculty and staff and by matching them with outside businesses. In the future it will expand its role to provide hands-on support with legal and tax-related matters, which are a recognized bottleneck when setting up a company in Japan.

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