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Shizuoka Prefecture launches multi-pronged marine DX development plan

#Academic, #Education, #Sustainability

Shizuoka Prefecture have announced a marine digital transformation (DX) project, the 'Suruga Bay and Marine DX Advanced Hub Plan.’ The plan, which aims to use digital technology to solve maritime-related issues, has been selected by the Cabinet Office for a Regional University and Regional Industry Creation Grant and will receive approximately 1.3 billion yen over five years.

As part of the plan, Shizuoka University of Science and Technology will establish a new Marine DX Course in 2027 to train specialist personnel. In addition, Shizuoka University of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, and Tokai University will collaborate to establish a new graduate school and Marine Informatics Research Organization.

An industry-academia-government group, the Shizuoka Marine DX R&D and Commercialization Promotion Consortium, will also be established to promote research on smart fisheries, aquaculture technology, and blue carbon. The Suzuyo Group and NTT Group will participate as core companies, with the cooperation of marine-related companies and start-ups from within and outside the prefecture.

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