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Gastronomy Innovation Campus Tokyo establishes itself as a base for food science

#Food, #Startup Support

In collaboration with the Basque Culinary Center (BCC),  Tokyo Tatemono has opened Japan's first international gastronomic center, the Gastronomy Innovation Campus Tokyo (GIC Tokyo). This facility was established as part of the BCC's Gastronomy Open Ecosystem (GOe), a next-generation education and business co-creation platform, and offers unique education programs that combine food and science in Japanese and English.

GIC Tokyo is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for learning cooking techniques, food culture, and food tech. It promotes co-creation between chefs, food-related companies, researchers and startups by utilizing scientific equipment such as 3D food printers and centrifuges. It also offers programs such as sustainable restaurant management and fermentation studies.

Tokyo Tatemono is committed to creating a sustainable future through food, with the aim of, “balancing the solving of social issues with corporate growth.”


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