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Inaugural Tokyo Longevity Summit to be held on 26 July

#Events, #Startup Pitch, #Wellbeing

Bilal Kharouni, co-founder of wellbeing start-up eki labs, will host the first Tokyo Longevity Summit on 26 July 2024. The event is seen as a forum to promote multidisciplinary approaches to addressing the issues of aging and death, and to discuss innovations for healthier living and longer lifespans.

The Tokyo Longevity Summit is the first event in Japan to bring together start-ups, policymakers, investors, and scientists on the subject of longevity in particular. Held at the Dragon Gate Hall in Shibuya Parco, the event will feature more than eight pitches and 11 speakers, and is expected to attract 250 attendees.

The event will feature Yoshiro Tasaka (Director of Shibuya Startup Support), Michal Kubis (Founder of BiohackerDAO), Nathan Cheng (General Partner of Healthspan Capital), Peter Fedichev (co-founder of Gero) and many other experts.

Official HP :

Read our previous interview with organiser Bilal Kharouni here:

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