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Kanazawa City builds new business facility

#Accelerator, #co-working, #Education, #Startup Support

Kanazawa City announced on March 24 that it will hold an open call for proposals to select a business contractor for the Kanazawa Future City Creation Center, which aims to support and create new businesses.

The center's main activities will include the creation of startups, activities to nurture children's creativity, and value creation related to food. The facility will include offices and co-working spaces for entrepreneurs, as well as rooms equipped with the latest cooking equipment.

Work will begin in June, and the consignment period has been extended from a maximum of three years to a maximum of five years to accommodate more mid- to long-term operations.

In addition to activities to support the new businesses of entrepreneurs and companies moving into the Kanazawa Future City Creation Hall, the facility also conducts creative initiatives such as making the "ultimate curry" for elementary school students, as well as projects such as archiving new recipes.

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