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W launches consumer services bootcamp

Startup Pitch, #Startup Support

W, an independent venture capital firm, launched W Consumer Bootcamp, a three-month entrepreneur support program specializing in consumer-oriented (toC) services. Experts active on the front lines at major Internet companies will be invited to share their know-how on how to launch a business, growth strategies, and global expansion. A presentation session will be held to match entrepreneurs with VCs or business companies that have expertise in toC services, and assistance will be provided in raising funds.

W Consumer Bootcamp will support 10 to 20 entrepreneurs in the early stages of their businesses, from seed to the Series A stages. Lecturers include Hiroki Kimura, president of MIXI, and Fumiaki Koizumi, chairman of Mercari.

Unlike other programs, W Consumer Bootcamp does not presuppose that the entrepreneurs will receive investment from W at the time of adoption. However, W will consider investing 10-200 million yen per company through the fund it manages, depending on the wishes of the entrepreneurs.

The program aims to create services that will be used around the world by conveying expertise on how to build businesses and organizations with overseas expansion in mind right from the initial stages.

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