Trailblaze the World with Gaming
The days of being able to be as hot as you want are back.
The time has come back to do what you love and enjoy it to the fullest.
Now is the time for the game to take the lead and make the world more exciting. Game, now is the time to show your true colors.
We're going to surprise everyone more with technology they haven't seen yet.
You'll make people roar for more with ideas they haven't seen yet.
It's a story we haven't seen yet, and it's going to bring people more excitement.
Now go to TOKYO GAME SHOW, one of the world's largest.
Share your thoughts together in the home of the game.
Come on, take it, love of the game around the world.
Organizer: Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA)
Co-organizer: Nikkei Business Publications, Inc., DENTSU, Inc.