In 2024, Tokyo and Berlin celebrate the 30th anniversary of their Sister City friendship. As we commemorate this milestone, "AsiaBerlin Summit in Tokyo: The Next Smart Society" invites you to explore the future of our cities, society, and environment. This event goes beyond smart cities and super cities, envisioning a "Smart Society" that prioritizes human well-being and sustainability specially supported by Takenaka Corporation and other co-organisers and supportors.
Join top experts from Japan and Germany in fields like city's urban development, transportation, environment, and culture. We'll explore the potential and challenges of co-creating an eco-centric future, merging insights from both countries to envision the society we aim to create.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to shape the future by engaging in thought-provoking discussions at this groundbreaking event, celebrating the special bond between Tokyo and Berlin.
16:30 Venue opens
16:58 Opening
17:00 Keynote : Berlin and Future Society Concept
17:12 Keynote : Next Smart Society by Japanese Construction Company
17:30 Panel Discussion: Co-creating a Comfortable Society Through Innovation
17:55 Keynote 3: Co-creation success cases
18:10 Startup pitches
18:40 Keynote
18:45 Award Ceremony and Networking
19:45 Closing
* We're finalizing an exciting lineup of speakers!
Get your tickets from here
Organizer: CROSSBIE GmbH, Asia Berlin Forum e.V.
Co-organizer: TAKENAKA CORPORATION, IHK Berlin, Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., AHK Japan, DWIH Tokyo